Friday, August 21, 2009

This is no fantasy; no careless product of wild imagination

On the eve of the eve on the eve of the morrow i shall depart of Madison and whilst watching Superman the movie I am alerted to a text from my dearest cousin lilly. This maiden sent me a warning cloaked in text thru the airwaves stating that I had been letting humanity down by not crafting my interweb manifesto known as Clear Eyes, Full Hearts. This therefore, is my apology to humanity for leaving it alone in the darkness of this cruel world to fend for itself amdist the treacheries of sin an evil that lay a blanket over all mankind. I now realize my true purpose to all of you and that is to lead you out of the darkness thru this site. It is my promise you that I shall never leave any of you alone ever again.

Recently, I was taken to Green Bay to have my wisdom teeth removed which while a frightening experience it may sound on the contrary there was one fleeting glimer of hope within that wretched time and her name was Katee. Katee you see was a nurse whom was very kind to me, she would joke with me and ask me about my life and even wished me an early happy birthday. She had the most piercing blue eyes I had ever seen and an angelic voice of which i have heard no equal. As i was about to go under I made one last glance upon her face and thought "I love you", but then darkness. I awoke to the sight of my mother and another nurse, but never saw katee again. While you may all be saddened for my loss of true love at this moment fear not...She has given me hope that there may be someone truely perfect not just for me, but for all who are alone in this world and desperately searching for that which completes them outside and in. I may have lost four teeth that day, but what i gained was far more than I could ever have imagined.

Faith in humanity: 9 out of 10

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Remember Me as a Time of Day

Greetings Blogosphere, this being my 2nd blog I've decided to tell you all a little about me and if I am not feeling too lazy maybe recap some of the happenings and goings of my life. Anywho, My name is obviously Matt I am 6'1 and 165 pounds with light brown hair. My eyes are the color of the ocean after a storm. Characteristics I value most in this world are honesty and loyalty. I enjoy being athletic and usually try to infuse humor with anything I'm doing. Sometimes my jokes my go too far but if you know who i am you will know that i dont mean them. Because i have heard that its best to keep yourself somewhat mysterious I will refrain from saying anything more about me.

Happenings and Goings: Recently, I went to the Blink-182 concert and it was every bit amazing as it sounds! Definitally a highlight of the summer and my life. Lately I have been working and my friends and I have been on a Texas Hold em kick. We have played this particular card game for a total of 11 hours in the past two days and if you ask me, no normal person should play hold em for that amount of time outside the city limits of Las Vegas, but i digress. Soon I will be moving to Madison for school and hopefully begin to figure out my life.

Heres a new way to update you avid followers: I am going to post a score 1-10; ten being the maximum depicting my belief in humanity at the moment I am writing the blog. Sounds good? Doesnt matter its my blog and if you dont like it then you can stop following tho ur not gonna stop cause we all know that im adorable.

Belief in Humanity: 7 out of 10 I saw Blink 182.

Also, If you could do me a favor...Whenever you go somewhere during this next week try to open a door for someone or give a smile. While not seeming like much it could make someones day and the whole point of this blog is to improve the world for the better while entertaining the masses.

Currently listening: John Mayer and Explosions in the Sky

until i think of a good sign off post im going to write "Never, ever, ever, ever underestimate the power of 'I'd Like that.'"

Monday, August 3, 2009


Hello there, my name is Matt and this should be Legen....wait for it....dary.

This my friends (the 2 of you that actually read this) is my first blog. Obviously, this is just another way for me to express myself while slowly affecting the world around me for the better. Therefore, I have decided that I should make a mission statement for this blog. The goal of this blog is to relay what happens in my life while applying it to the larger concern of mine: my faith in humanity. Some days I have faith while others I do not.

Fear not tho, 2morrow I am going to see Blink-182 in concert and I am stoked for that. I am going to let you guys go for now (i know i barely wrote anything, but whatever its my blog).

Current song: Anything on John Mayer as is CD